Link: How to use data to make a hit TV show

They looked at all the data they already had about Netflix viewers: the ratings they give their shows, the viewing histories, what shows people like, and so on. And then they use that data to discover all of these little bits and pieces about the audience: what kinds of shows they like, what kind of producers, what kind of actors. And once they had all of these pieces together, they took a leap of faith, and they decided to license […] a drama series about a single Senator.

Der Bioinformatiker, Data Scientist und Filmemacher Dr. Sebastian Wernicke spricht bei TEDx Cambridge über die Versuche von Amazon und Netflix durch Datenerhebungen gute Serien zu machen, wie das manchmal gut geht (House of Cards) und wie manchmal auch nicht (Alpha House).

Deutsche Untertitel sind leider noch nicht verfügbar (wer Lust hat..?).

We can cover that by a line of dialogue...

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