Link: WWII Films

IMDb lists 4,893 films tagged with „world-war-two“. The list contains full-length movies, TV episodes, short films, and the occasional miniseries. I downloaded a random sample of these entries and found that the average run time was 95 minutes, which means the entire collection probably has a combined length of a little over 300 days. World War II lasted six years, for a war:film ratio of about 7:1.

This ratio is hard to beat; no other multi-year war has been the subject of nearly as many films. This is understandable; we’re talking about bloodiest conflict in human history right in the middle of the golden age of Hollywood.

Randall Munroe, Autor der xkcd-Comics beantwortet absurde wissenschaftliche Fragen (auch bei TED), hier: „Did WWII last longer than the total length of movies about WWII? For that matter, which war has the highest movie time:war time ratio?“.

We can cover that by a line of dialogue...

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