Can you see the problem here? Peterson [sic] was waiting until the climax to explain the motivations of this crucial character. To me, that’s insanity. The big question hanging over the film is „Why is this guy betraying king and country?“ […] The longer he’s actively participating – especially when the time comes that it’d be easier for him to shut up and just escape with the others – the more we crave an explanation for this guy’s actions.
Motivations: make them clear, make them early über Petersens Air Force One (Buch Andrew W. Marlowe, der Autor von Castle). Auf seinem Blog schreibt The Bitter Script Reader über Drehbuchlesen und Drehbuchschreiben, mit dem Motto: „I’m here to share what I’ve learned…. mostly because I’m sick of reading bad scripts.“ Ihn gibt es auch auf YouTube, mit einigen guten praktischen Tipps zum Drehbuchschreiben (Link).