The Golden Age of Psychology on Television – An Introduction to Psychopathology in Movies and TV Series Dr. Niklas Gebele hat auf seinem Charakterneurosen-Blog das sehr lesenswerte Manuskript eines Vortrags veröffentlicht, den er krankheitsbedingt leider nicht wie geplant beim Interdisciplinary College 2018 halten konnte:

„As we witness the Golden Age of Television, we are confronted with a huge amount of well written, complex, and psychologically developing characters in movies and – which is particularly new – in TV series.

These new creator-driven tragic and comic dramas, focus on archetypical human issues and inner conflicts such as attachment vs. autonomy, domination vs. submission or the struggle for stable self-esteem and identity. In short: They focus on psychology. […]“

We can cover that by a line of dialogue...

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